Our handyman service offers professional caulking services to seal and protect your home from water damage and drafts. Our experienced technicians can caulk any area of your home, including windows, doors, bathtubs, kitchens, and showers. We use high-quality, durable caulking materials to ensure a long-lasting seal. We also offer color matching to create a seamless look. Our caulking services can improve the energy efficiency of your home and increase its overall value. Contact us today to schedule your caulking service and keep your home in top condition.
Here you can see the dramatic difference that professional caulking can make in the appearance and water resistance of the kitchen. In the "before" portion of the video, the kitchen counter is shown with gaps and cracks in the caulking around the sink and countertop. The old, worn-out caulking is not only unsightly, but it also allows water to seep through, potentially causing damage to the cabinetry and flooring.
In the "after" portion of the video, the same kitchen counter is shown with new caulking that seals the gaps and cracks. The caulking creates a smooth and seamless look, making the kitchen appear cleaner and more modern. Additionally, the video shows the difference in overall kitchen appearance, highlighting the importance of regular caulking maintenance in keeping your home in top condition.
The "before" picture shows a shower bench with old and worn-out caulking. The old caulking is discolored, cracked and peeling in some areas. The gaps and cracks in the caulking are visible, and water has seeped through and caused damage to the grout and surrounding tile. The overall appearance of the shower bench is unsightly and unappealing.
The "after" picture shows the same shower bench with fresh, new caulking. The new caulking is smooth and even, creating a seamless look. The color matches the tile, and the new caulking seals all gaps and cracks, preventing water from seeping through and causing damage. The overall appearance of the shower bench is now clean, modern and well-maintained. The new caulking not only improves the look of the shower bench but also prevents water damage.